Händel: Rodelinda- Tirannia gli diede il regno
Evan Hughes, Bass-Baritone
Christopher Moulds, Conductor
Moscow Chamber orchestra
Vivaldi: Orlando Furioso- Dove il valor combatte
Evan Hughes, Bass-Baritone
Federico Maria Sardelli, Conductor
Moscow Chamber Orchestra
Se Vuol Ballare
Evan Hughes, Bass-Baritone
Alphonse Cemin, Piano
Songs from Solomon's Garden by EIC
Matthias Pintscher & Evan Hughes
"Cinque, dieci, venti"
Mozart | The Marriage of Figaro (Le Nozze di Figaro)
Julie Fuchs & Evan Hughes
by Jay Schwartz
Live Performance with the New York Philharmonic
Matthias Pintscher & Evan Hughes
"Rio Bravo"
by Gabriela Ortiz
with Southwest Chamber Music